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PacMan Addons
Galaga Addons
Play your boards on TV !!!
SpareParts (Ram/Eprom/Prom/Custom Chips)
Power Supplies
JAMMA harnesses

PacMan Addons

Description Price
Family PacMan Upgrade-kit
Yes, play PacMan & Ms PacMan on one board
easy installation to all boards! (all Originals, Bootlegs & Crush-Roller's)
US$ / Euro: 59
PacMan Rom-Replacement
Do you have a bad PacMan-Rom ?? (4A, 1M, 3M)
-- original Roms are very hard to find, programmers are very expensive!
Take this configurable adapter, this can replace all 3 Roms
(simply choose via jumper what Rom to replace, and plug it into the socket)
US$ / Euro: 20
PacMan Color-Rom replacement
Replacement for PacMan Color-rom at pos 7F
(also corrects wrong colors on converted Crush-Roller boards)
US$ / Euro: 20

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Galaga Addons

Description Price
Galaga Rapid-fire (Fast-Shot) Rom (switchable)
switch between Fast-Shot and normal speed
- simpliest installation ! works on org. boards & boot-legs !
US$ / Euro: 15
Galaga High-Score-Saver kit
let your Galaga board remember your high-scores
even after power down !
US$ / Euro: 49
Galaga normal-fire Rom (the original)
For all who own a Galaga-board with Fast-Shot Rom
and want to convert it back to normal speed.
For original & bootleg boards.
US$ / Euro: 10
Galag to Galaga Romset
Convert your "Gallag" and "Nebulous Bee" start-screens to "Galaga by Midway"
US$ / Euro: 15

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All clocks have a glass-front, the picture is light-resistent
diameter of housing = 25cm, diameter of picture = 20cm
Description Price
Galaga Wall-clock Brand new GALAGA wall-clock,
US$ / Euro: 20
Galaxian Wall-clock Brand new GALAXIAN wall-clock,
US$ / Euro: 20
PacMan#2 Wall-clock Brand new PACMAN wall-clock,
US$ / Euro: 20
NeoGeo Wall-clock Brand new NEO-GEO wall-clock,
US$ / Euro: 20
Phoenix Wall-clock Brand new PHOENIX wall-clock,
US$ / Euro: 20
Donkey-Kong Wall-clock Brand new DONKEY-KONG wall-clock,
US$ / Euro: 20
Miss PacMan Wall-clock Brand new MISS PACMAN wall-clock,
US$ / Euro: 20

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Spare-Parts (misc)

Description Price
Eprom 2716
Eprom 2K*8, used, erased, testet
US$ / Euro: 2.50
Eprom 2516
Eprom 2K*8, used, erased, testet
US$ / Euro: 3.50
Eprom 2732(A)
Eprom 4K*8, used, erased, testet:
US$ / Euro: 3
US$ / Euro: 6
Eprom 2532
Eprom 4K*8, used, erased, testet:
US$ / Euro: 5
US$ / Euro: 8.50
Eprom 2764
Eprom 8K*8, used, erased, testet
US$ / Euro: 4
Eprom 27128
Eprom 16K*8, used, erased, testet
US$ / Euro: 4
Eprom 27256
Eprom 32K*8 !! NEW !!
US$ / Euro: 5
Eprom 27512
Eprom 64K*8 !! NEW !!
US$ / Euro: 7
BProm 82S123
Bipolar-Rom 32*8bit TS, NEW !!
(incl. programming service !)
US$ / Euro: 5
BProm 82S23
Bipolar-Rom 32*8bit OC, NEW !!
(incl. programming service !)
US$ / Euro: 6
Ram 2114
static Ram 1k * 4, NEW
US$ / Euro: 3
Ram 2101A-2
static Ram, Signetics, ceramic package, NEW
US$ / Euro: 3

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SuperGun / MAK

Description Price
Super-Gun for Euro-Scart connector
enables everyone to play one's favorite Arcade-games on TV!
a must have !
US$ / Euro: 160
Super-Gun for US/NTSC, Cinch-plugs (CVBS)
enables playing your favorite Arcade-games on TV!<>
US$ / Euro: 200

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Description Price
Arcade power-supply
+5V 10Amp, +12V 1.5Amp, -5V 1Amp,
input: 110 - 240 Volt, used & tested: 100% working
US$ / Euro: 40

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JAMMA looms / adapters

Description Price
Konami -> Jamma adapter play your Konami boards in a Jamma-cabinet US$ / Euro: 20
Galaxian -> Jamma adapter
play your Galaxian in a Jamma-cabinet
US$ / Euro: 20
PacMan -> Jamma adapter
play your PacMan boards in a Jamma-cabinet
US$ / Euro: 20

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Parts that don't fit above

Description Price
Eprom Programming Service
Programming Service for your Eproms !
No matter of Eprom-size!
1-4: USUS$ / Euro: 4 each / 4-9: USUS$ / Euro: 3 each / 10 and up: USUS$ / Euro: 2 each
2532 Adapter for Eprom-burners
Burn 2532 Eproms in your Eprom-burner which only supports 2732 types
Works with every burner that supports 2732 Eproms (25 Volt) !
Adapter is equipped with gold-contacts & Textool-socket !
US$ / Euro: 40
2708 -> 2716 Adapter
You have a board with a defective 2708-Eprom ? And you cannot burn a new one ??
No Problem, with this adapter you can replace a 2708 with a cheap & easy to burn 2716 Eprom !
US$ / Euro: 10
2532 -> 2732 Adapter
You have a defective 2532 Eprom ? Yes, these are very rare and expensive !
No Problem, with this adapter you can replace a 2532 with a cheaper and easy to get 2732 Eprom !
US$ / Euro: 10
You have a defective Bipolar-ROM ?
You cannot program a new one ?
Contact me, tell me the Prom-type, I'll make an offer for a replacement !
BIN-file has to be provided (or intact orig. Prom)
Programming-service can also be offered for nearly all Eproms (starting at 2716) and for many Bipolar-Proms !!!

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© 2004 (Peter Engels)
used HTML-editor: Notepad, 10 fingers & brain